
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Killed By Kindness

George Price
George Price was a chemist and geneticist who moved to London in 1967 to do some work in theoretical biology. With no formal training in the fields of population genetics or statistics, Price was still able to formulate an equation that mathematically disproved the idea of true altruism. No theory had ever had the sheer number of applications in evolution, biology, and mathematics that Price’s theory on kin selection did. In a nutshell, his theory stated that people are most likely to show altruism to an organism whose genetic makeup is most similar to their own (like a parent or child perhaps) because in doing so, their genetic heritage would be most likely to live on.
Price also theorized that, in the same way an organism would “sacrifice” itself to further its genetic line, it would also sacrifice itself to eliminate others closely related to it if that meant that the organism’s genes would better propagate. The implication is that kindness is never truly selfless if it’s actually a survival adaptation.
As mind-blowing as that is, the more interesting part of the story is what the theory did to its creator: Price could not emotionally handle the idea that he belonged to an exclusively selfish species. He began partaking in increasingly random acts of kindness towards both strangers and the homeless, only to have his hopeful altruism continuously disproven by his own theory. He gave up all of his belongings and allowed homeless people to live in his house. Eventually, people began stealing his things until he himself was both homeless and sick with depression.
In the end, he lost everything in his effort to disprove his own theory. George Price committed suicide in January of 1975!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Biggest conspiracy in Egypt's modern history!! CNN reports

   This report neutrelizes any doubts or uncertainties about what has been happening in Egypt since the so called Egyptian revolution was started.

   Don't get me wrong now, I'm not undermining what happened on the 25th of January 2011 nor the spent blood of our young innocent martyrs who died in vain, I hate to say. All I'm saying is that true Egyptian patriots with no personal agendas who actually showed up on 25th of Jan and on-wards for a few months at best, are not necessarily the same Egyptians currently on the scene who range between, seemingly different yet so similar parties -that don't mind serving the American secret Agenda of the Greater Middle East or the New Middle East Project- as long as they stay in power, and individuals claiming to be independent when they are only high-pay tactical employees or beneficiaries who also serve the same foreign employer the CIA.

     A Leak All document by Anne Hoffman reveals that what took place after the ouster of Mubarak is a silent security pseudo-coup. It started as CIA ordered Hosni Mubarak to step down, with promises of his security, to assign an undercover US-Egypt security board consisting of high-profile members of the Central Intelligence Agency and Egypt's General Intelligence Service, to conduct the coup and to govern Egypt in effect. It was agreed that a military junta would appear as the apparent ruler of Egypt through a transition period, but the junta was just a front. All unrest, mistrust, put-up jobs and big games were the only events that took place since February 11, 2011 until now. These events are considered as a farce, an intelligence theatrical performance to pave the way for major events like the reoccupation of Sinai and the intimidation and the occupation of people's minds away from democracy, justice and peaceful protests. Some of the lies the public have heard are that the remnants of Mubarak's regime are ruining the country; Muslim Brotherhood killed protesters at Tahrir Square and allowed Al-Qaeda and Hamas to prevail in Sinai; Omar Suleiman died/was killed. In fact, the said board committed the Port Said massacre, sectarian strife, fabricated Jihadists in Sinai and many other memorable situations. They even publicized the death of Omar Suleiman to make Egyptians believe that Muslim Brotherhood killed him and that the choice of the revolutionaries is mired, lame and shameful, although people are not part of that game, and to also keep Suleiman away from the counter-revolution public charges. One of the major lies is that Mubarak and the regime members are in prison. It is worth to say that they are leading a normal life just like anybody but in secret places; some of them are summoned on regular bases to appear before the camera for the misinformation of the public. Omar Suleiman's death is a lie just like Bin Laden's. Muslim Brotherhood was assigned to replace Mubarak through a meticulously rigged elections assisted by the propaganda machine of integrity and liberty. Actually, all known presidential candidates were first recruited and then chosen by GIS to make entrance for them into the game. All efforts has been exerted to rescue the CIA-founded regime in the region, besides a democratic Egypt would jeopardize the interests of US and Israel. And here is an excerpt:
 'Biggest conspiracy in Egypt's modern history U.S. is the remote ruler of Egypt
 March 17, 2012
 A pure revolution had happened, but in the last days of Mubarak's resignation, CIA tried to place Wael Ghonim as a leader and speaker of the revolution by kidnapping the real creator of Facebook page, "We Are All Khalid Said", in coordination with the Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate (GID). The deliberate mass media fuss about Ghonim had started at the time, meanwhile, U.S. ordered Mubarak to step down and to assign Supreme Council of Armed Forces to take control of the government; U.S. also gave Hosni Mubarak guarantees of full rights and prestige as a former president. In fact, what took place, then, was an American coup against a leaderless revolution. The Egyptian administration is a puppet moved by U.S. however and whenever they desire. The external form of the revolution after 11 February 2011 was that the SCAF took care of the revolution and its demands, but nothing of that had been achieved. Calls had mounted, and then SCAF tried to make the "Stability and Wheel of Production" propaganda, which means, according to the junta, that not criticizing or even blaming SCAF is a must. Again, demands of the liberty of the revolution by the people had mounted, and then SCAF tried to frighten the people with conspiracies, foreign intriguers and minor rioters, but at this point, people insisted that SCAF should step down, if it cannot stop the plots, and people went to Tahrir Square. At the time, SCAF tried to discredit Tahrir Square by publicizing the "Silent Majority", who is supporting SCAF whatever it does, and chose Abbassiya Square as their centre. People demanded that SCAF should stop dispersing revolutionaries. Some incidents had intermingled with the above mentioned events such as sectarian strives, religious terrorism mainly by a new GID front called, the Salafis, besides the recruitment of professional outlawed criminals and the instructions given to top police officials not to maintain security or national stability. Egyptian authority re-recruited new internal media assets like "Tawfiq Oukasha" to brainwash simple non-politicized people who already are weary of unrest. Economic intimidation was also a tool to make people abstain from protesting and to go for work. A new stage had emerged which was based on accusations of treason against who participated in the revolution, and even putting some of them under arrest. The American coup takes money, by direct order, from oil-rich countries who are also assets of CIA. Some of the funds are spent on the Salafis who emerged to destabilize the society and terrorize people and then SCAF publicizes the fact that it is the choice of the people themselves. As for Muslim Brotherhood, it is a group tamed by security services and was kept for a day like the day of rage; it is also a puppet moved by the secret service which, in turn, is moved by Washington as well, then SCAF publicizes the fact that it is the choice of the people too. The phase of rigging elections comes not through polling, but through the announcement of results by GID fronts. What actually takes place is the reproduction of a Mubarak-like system, approved by U.S. in order to maintain its interests and its agents inside and outside Egypt. It is not about stolen money or dismantled institutions or even trials which are partly a hoax and the other part is a scapegoat, it is about the new concept of "remote occupation". Egypt is occupied by U.S. and its agents who try to make simple people believe that who criticize those in Authority are the real traitors who want to bring Egypt down. The events in Libya, Yemen and Syria are merely a scheme to foil the Arab Spring; the civil wars are used as a terrorizing card to make people choose between war and stability. Now, the following list are some of the GID's agents in Egypt: · Mona el-Shazly · Wael Ghonim · Mohamed Saad al-Katatni · Hossam Badrawi · Mohamed Morsi · Mohammad Badie · Mustafa Bakri · Tawfiq Oukasha · Hayat al-Dardiri · Mohammed Hassan · El-Sayyid el-Badawi Shehata · Mansour Hassan · Hazem Salah Abu Ismail · Mohammad Salim Al-Awa · Safwat Hijazi · Nader Bakkar · Ahmed Zewail · Khaled Salah · Faiza Abul Naga · Abdel Moez Ibrahim · Ahmed el-Moslemani · Ahmed Maher · Hamdeen Sabahi · Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh · Ahmed Shafik · Ibrahim Eissa · Amr Adib · Yoursi Fouda · Adel Hammouda The latest events of "Port Said massacre" and "foreign funding" are also planned. The first one is to spread more chaos and to consolidate the idea of the third-party and the boogeyman; the haters of the revolution. The second one is aimed at consolidating the idea that the military junta fights the third party who is tampering with the security of Egypt. The idea of Port Said massacre is particularly proposed by the United States, but ultimately was not done well as a judicial source stated to Al Arabiya that a GID official had called the judges and ordered them to end the matter quickly in favour of the defendants "who did not attend in the first place."

Monday, September 24, 2012

The 25 Most Common Dream Symbols

These symbols are the twenty-five most requested symbols in dream psychology (listed in alphabetical order). Their interpretations are meant as starting points and will vary in their meaning depending upon the individual dreamer. See dream dictionary for specific symbols. 1.Animals - Instinctive part of self attuned to nature and survival (survival in the social world). Animals sometimes represents one's parents, especially their relationship to a parent (love, hate, etc.). Being chased by an animal may represent some repressed emotion or aggression. Look at the particular animal to determine the symbol it may represent. 2.Baby - may symbolize vulnerability, or your need for love. Also your pure, innocent, true self (other than the ego). It may represent some new development in your life. A baby commonly appears in the dreams of pregnant women and may be a straightforward expression of pregnancy. 3.Clothes - Clothes may represent your persona, how you look at yourself and how you feel others may see you. Old and worn out clothes mat symbolize anxiety about your attractiveness or you need to discard some habitual way of thinking. Changing your clothes may indicate a change in your lifestyle (past, present or future). Clothes in a dream being worn by someone else may suggests that there is some part of you that you relate to in that particular person. See naked listed below. 4.Cross - Represents perfect balance (as in the Christ within or Buddha consciousness). It may be a symbol for a crossroads in your life or a burden to heavy to carry. It also may be a symbol of death, something coming to an end in your life (relationships, job, change of lifestyle, etc). 5.Death - Death or dying in a dreath most often represents changes in one's life, something is coming to an end. Very seldom does death symbolize true dying of a person. The old is dying and with the death of the old comes new beginnings. The death and resurrection of Christ is a good example in mythology of the death motif. What it represents is the death of the egoself and its resurrection to a spiritual realization. A dead person in a dream may relate to past relationships with that particular person. If the dead person is you then consider your true condition as you see it, I feel dead because of my job, life, relationships, etc. Or death may simply represent your anxiety about dying. 6.Falling - Falling - May represent your real life fear of letting go of something or someone. It also may suggest a loss of controlin a situation. Self-inflation is another possibility. Are you above yourself and due a fall? 7.Food - Food represents knowledge. Physically food nourishes the body. Mentally knowledge nourishes the mind, thus the old adage of "food for thought". 8.Devil - Evil spirits, not necessarily religious. It may represent some repressed emotions that need to be expressed. It may symbolize a need to change one's behaviour (devilish) and find a spiritual center. 9.Hair - Represents knowledge, most often conscious knowledge (or the lack of). Abubdant hair may signify virility or male sexuality (Freud). Cutting hair may symbolize los of virility, or castration. Loss of hair may express a fear of getting old or being unwanted. 10.Hands - Symbolize ability, particuraly practical and social abilities. Tied hands represent a feeling of an inability to succeed in a particular endeavor. Washing your hands often symbolizes guilt- what are you trying to get rid of? 11.House - A symbol representing yourself. The rooms or different floors may represent emotions, attitudes, complexes, ideas. Going upstairs symbolizes conscious thinking. The basement represents the deep unconscious. 12.Killing - May represent repression/suppression of some aspect of yourself - you want or need to kill that part of your personality. May indicate hatred or envy between siblings or hostility towards some person. Also putting an end to negative feelings or unwanted situations in one's life. 13.Marriage - A blending of intellectual and intuitive parts or masculine and feminine aspects of oneself. A bridge between the conscious mind and the unconscious self (as in dreams). 14.Money - Represents one's values in life. May symbolize self worth. In exchanging money, it may represent changes about to happen in your life. Take note of any numbers and find their meaning(s). For instance, five often symbolizes changes in life. 15.Mountain - Climbing a mountain may symbolize achievements or tasks to be performed. Looking from a mountain may symbolize your life under review, without the conscious emotional involvement (dreams looks at your life without prejudgicies). A mountain may represent obstacles in your life. 16.Naked - Being nude may symbolize the 'naked truth' about oneself. Totally open and exposed. It may be an expression for childhhood innocence and freedom from artifical inhibitions. Showing off your nudity may be a desire for sex, or a desire for recognition. 17.People - Most often represents the different aspects of oneself; emotions, attitudes, desires, fears, etc. look to the particular characteristics of a person or persons in the dream. 18.Radio - Communication between conscious and unconscious self (as in dream). Communications (or lack of) between aspects of self or between persons in your life. 19.Roads - Your direction in life, the road you are following (may need changing or modifications). Patterns in your life, something that you continually do that may be harmful or unnecessary. Goals in life. ehat is your path in life? 20.School - Lessons in life. Self understanding is learning to know yourself (psychological). Life's experiences. Have you learned from them or do you ignore what is evident for what is convenient? 21.Sex - Sex with a partner may symbolize a unification of unconscious aspects in your life to a conscious realization. Uniting parts of oneself that was previously separated due to repression/suppression. May be a straight forward desire for sex. Uninhibited sex may suggest one's actual persona is uninhibited. 22.Teacher - A symbol for your higher self (spiritual or creative). Insights that show you the way on your path. 23.Teeth - Assimilating of knowledge (unconscious) so to understand and make use of it.Losing teeth symbolizes change in one's way of thinking. Also symbolizes a fear of getting old. May symbolize aggression. 24.Vehicles - A symbol representing yourself. Are you driving (in control), in the back or passenger seat (not in control). Is your mother driving? Perhaps she has too much control of your life. A bus may symbolize yourself and the passengers aspects of your personality. 25.Water - Water represents the unconscious self (mind). Pools of water, lakes, rivers, symbolize the personal unconscious, whereas oceans and seas represent the deeper collective (universal) unconscious.